e-Cronic 23.0- What is Google thinking?

What was my surprise when I saw in my account a message of Google offering using the new Gmail Motion Beta, in my life had heard of this, I was curious and decided to give it a look, the link took me to a page that seems isn't still finished but says the basics that you need to know.

Comment that the traditional interaction devices like the keyboard or the mouse was invented for the computer era, but they are reaching further away, creating more efficient ways of integrating human communication interaction with computer.

It is easy to understand, but I think difficult to apply, your computer or laptop must have webcam with which you can communicate through signs and movements of your body with it, that seem very simple.

Of course Google is recommending these to you because is safe, fun and above all healthy as option of physical activity in the office, and mentioned that every 30 to 40 minutes take a break from this arduous activity.

Will be that Google does not know what to invent? Will it be another crazy idea like Google Wave? Or are we seeing the first step towards the futureof the human computer interaction?

e-Cronic 22.0- A Periodic Table to Google's APIs

Excellent idea that came up to Google, to display a graphic way how to use their Apis. I want one just like for the company I work for, as if the company I work for have so many APIs

Google once again shows that innovative and creative are, just as, practical to facilitate the millions of developers world use of these applications

The periodic table, in addition to being interactive, has 96 APIs, classified into 10 categories (Mobile, Search, Gadgets, Data, Social, Publicity, Geo, Tools & Chrome) which can be identified by color or you can handover for the title of each class and highlights the corresponding “elements” of it.

To make matters better, you can click on any of the items and this will take you to a page dedicated to this API or product.

If you want more information you can access this table Periodic Google APIs in code.google.com.


e-Cronic 21.5 - Protecting Against E-Auction Fraud

Continued with the last topic in the Chapter 17 "Dynamic trading: E-Auctions, Bartering, and Negotiations" of the book "Electronic commerce 2010: a managerial perspective" writen by Efraim Turban talk about some ways to prevent electronic fraud in e-auctions.

The largest internet auctioneer, eBay, has introduced several measures in an effort to reduce fraud. Some are free; others are not. The company has succeeded in its goal: less than one tenth of 1 percent of the transactions at eBay were fraudulent in 2001.

The following are some of eBay’s antifraud measures.

  1. User Identity Verification. eBay uses the services of Equifax to verify user identities for a $5 fee. Verified eBay User, a voluntary program, encourages users to supply eBay with information for online verification.

  2. Authentication Services. Product authentication is a way of determining whether an item is genuine and described appropriately. Authentication is very difficult to perform because it relies on the expertise of the authenticators.

  3. Grading services. Grading is a way of detecting the physical condition of an item, such as poor quality or mint condition. The actual grading system depends on the type of item being graded.

  4. Feedback Forum. The eBay feedback forum allows registered buyers and sellers to build up their online trading reputation. It provides users with the ability to comment on their experience with other individuals.

  5. Insurance Policy. eBay offers insurance underwritten by Lloyd’s of London. Users are covered up to $200, with a $25 deductible. The program is provided at no cost to eBay users.

  6. Escrow Services. For items valued at more than $200 or when either the buyer or seller feels the need for additional security. With an easy-to access link of a third-party escrow service, both partners in a deal are protected. The buyer mails the payment to the escrow service, which verifies the payment an alert the seller when everything checks out. At that point, the seller ships the goods to the buyer. Afer an agreed-upon inspection period, the buyer notifies the services, which then sends a check to the seller.

  7. Nonpayment Punishment. eBay implemented a policy against those who do not honor their winning bids. To help protect sellers, a first-Time nonpayment by a buyer result in a friendly warning. A sterner warning is issued for a second- time offense, a 30 day suspension for a third offense, and indefinite suspension for a fourth offense.

  8. Appraisal Services. Appraisers use a variety of methods to appraise items, including expert assessment of authenticity and condition and reviewing what comparable items have sold for in the marketplace in recent months. An appraised value is usually accurate only at the time of appraisal.

  9. Physical Inspection. Providing for a physical inspection can eliminate many problems. This is especially true for collectors’ items.

  10. Buyer Protections. The Paypal protection program shields buyers by covering you to $500 of their purchase at no additional cost. The eBay Standard Purchase Protection Program provides up to $200 coverage for items that are not received or items that are not as described in the listing.

  11. Spoof (Fraudulent) Web Site Protection. The eBay Toolbar with Account Guard enables eBay members to protect their accounts by indicating when they are on an eBay or PayPal site.

  12. eBay Security Center. The eBay Security Center provides guidance on buying safely, selling safely, and paying safely, as well as valuable third-party, government, a law-enforcement resource. The Security Center is a valuable resource for all users, from first-time buyers who want information on safeguarding online transaction to high-volume sellers who want to protect their copyrights.

I hope with this topic, create in you trusty more in the e-auction and lost the fear to sell or buy something in this type of B2C-B2B companies; and if you manage an e-auction site, I hope you learned other options to prevent the electronic fraud in your e-auction.


e-Cronic 21.0 - E-Auction Fraud

In the Chapter 17 "Dynamic trading: E-Auctions, Bartering, and Negotiations" of the book "Electronic commerce 2010: a managerial perspective" writen by Efraim Turban said that According to the National Consumers League (nclnet.org) and NCL’s National Fraud Information Center, of all of the e-commerce activities conducted over the internet, fraud was the most prevalent and serious in e-auctions until 2005.

Type of e-auction fraud

Fraud may conducted by seller, buyers, or other.

1. Bid Shielding. The use of phantom to bid at a very high price when an auction begins is called bid shielding. The phantom bidders pull out at the last minute, and the bidder who bids with a very low price wins.

2. Shilling. A similar type of fraud can be conducted by sellers. In this fraud sellers arrange to have fake bids placed on their items to artificially jack up bids.

3. Fake Photos and Misleading Descriptions. Some sellers distort what they can truly sell or fail to disclose all relevant information about the items.

4. Improper Grading Techniques. A seller might describe an item as 90 percent new, whereas the bidder, after receiving the item and paying the full amount, feels that it is only 70 percent new.

5. Bid Siphoning. Luring bidders t leave a legitimate auction by offering to sell the same item at a lower price.

6. Selling reproduction as originals. A seller sells something that the seller claims is original, but it out to be a reproduction.

7. Failure to pay. Buyers do not pay after a deal is agreed upon.

8. Failure to pay the Auction House. Sellers fail to pay the auction’s listing or transactions fees.

9. High Shipping Costs and Handling Fees. Some sellers just want to get little more cash out of bidders. Postage and handling rate vary from seller to seller.

10. Failure to ship merchandise. Money was paid out, but the merchandise never arrives.

11. Loss and Damage Claims. Buyers claim that they did not receive an item or that they received it in damaged condition and then ask for a refund.

12. Fake Escrow Services. Presenting itself as an independent trusted third party, a fake services will take the seller’s items and the buyer’s money and disappear.

13. Switch and Return. The seller has successfully auctioned an item, but when the buyer receives it, the buyer is not satisfied. The seller offers a cheerful refund. However, what the seller gets back is mess that does not much resemble the item that was originally shipped.

14. Other Frauds. Many other types of fraud also are possible, including the sale of stolen goods, the use of false identities, providing false contact information, and selling the same item to several buyers.

Hope this helps you understand the various forms of fraud that may occur in the Marketspace and awareness to increase the security of the sites that offer the e-auction.


e-Cronic 20.0 - ¿Alguien acaso ha escuchado hablar de Diaspora?

Actualmente es muy común que la mayor parte de los usuarios de Internet estemos utilizando alguna de las comunidades de las redes sociales que el espacio cibernético nos proporciona tales como el Facebook o Twitter.

Pues tal parece que a estas redes sociales se les une Diaspora, se trata de una red social descentralizada, la cual posee mayor seguridad del manejo de datos que el mismo Facebook, una red social peer to peer. Cuando nos hacemos amigos de algún contacto en Diaspora nos conectamos directamente con esa persona, nadie más que nosotros tendrá control sobre los datos que queramos introducir en esta red social. Datos que además están más seguros encriptados en GPG.

Este proyecto ya se encuentra en marcha gracias a cuatro estudiantes de la Universidad de Nueva York, que actualmente están buscando financiación en Kickstarter y parece que no les va nada mal. Su objetivo era lograr 10.000 dólares antes de junio y después de salir en medios como New York Times sus fondos ya van por más de 60.000 dólares.

Actualmente no se encuentra en línea pero pese a que están comenzando con un servicio muy simple con el paso del tiempo se espera que crezcan intentando cubrir todas las necesidades de los usuarios, pero llevan un camino muy prometedor.

Diaspora pese a que es un proyecto abierto y no necesariamente altruista esta tratando de eliminar la necesidad de aprovecharse de sus usuarios para crecer, a diferencia de su competidor el Facebook. Como dice Charlie November en ¿Por qué Diaspora es mejor que Facebook?

“Porque aunque existe la percepción de que Facebook es gratis, la realidad es muy distinta. Estás pagando —con creces— los servicios de Facebook con publicidad intrusiva, la cesión de todos los derechos sobre los materiales que postees y demás disparates semejantes.”

Las ventajas de Diaspora vs Facebook son las siguientes:

No tienes que depender de otros.
• Tus datos están donde tú puedas verlos
• Es una red descentralizada que se compone de distintos servidores Diaspora, llamados seeds.
• Aprovecha la infraestructura.
• De momento han anunciado conectividad con Twitter y Flickr, pero habrá más.
• Es software de código libre
• Se tratarán con mayor agilidad y transparencia.
• Es seguro. Toda la comunicación entre perfiles se realizará protegida por GPG, una implementación open-source del algoritmo de seguridad PGP. Eso, hablando en cristiano significa que tus fotos, información personal, número de teléfono, embarazosos posts en el muro de tus exs… los verán única y exclusivamente aquellos que los tengan que ver.
Tu material es tuyo.

Quizá para muchos usuarios de Facebook no sean interesantes, pero a mí si me lo parecen buena idea y prefiero una red social segura, donde sepa como se gestionan mis datos, que llevarme sorpresas.

Actualmente Diaspora no está disponible aún. Pero si gustas checar la primera versión, la que tienes que instalar en tu posting, se espera que para septiembre de este año, y después la versión en línea (¿Diaspora.com?). Si gustas saber más, visita el sitio de Diaspora en Kickstarter. "Adiós al monopolio."


e-Cronic 19.0 - Google Buzz la nueva red social de Google

Google Buzz es una nueva manera de iniciar conversaciones sobre las cosas que te parezcan interesantes. Está integrada en Gmail, por lo que no tienes que llevar a cabo una búsqueda exhaustiva de un conjunto totalmente nuevo de los amigos de la nada - simplemente funciona.

Si lo piensas bien, no siempre ha sido una red social muy grande la que utiliza Gmail. Buzz ofrece esta red mediante la selección automática para seguir a las personas que correo electrónico y chatear con la mayoría.

Google se centro en construir una experiencia fácil de usar y compartir, integra fotos, vídeos y enlaces, hace fácil compartir públicamente con el mundo o en privado a un grupo de amigos cada vez que cargo (por lo que no tienen que utilizar diferentes herramientas para compartir con diferentes personas). Picasa, Flickr, Google Reader, YouTube, Blogger, Twitter ya están integrados. Además, Buzz se integra perfectamente con su bandeja de entrada de Gmail, por lo que vas a estar al tanto de las cosas que más importantes, como ocurre en tiempo real.

La creación de Buzz fue visto por los analistas como la entrada de Google a competir con los sitios web de redes sociales como Facebook y los servicios de microblogging como Twitter. Buzz también incluye una interfaz de varios elementos de interacción y de otros productos de Google (por ejemplo, Google Reader), tales como la capacidad de "como" un poste.

A pesar de que a mi me gusta mucho usar Google Wave espero que con este nuevo producto de Google tenga mas éxito y se pueda sacar probecho de la eficiencia y calidad de los productos de Google, Pruébalo y luego nos cuentas qué te pareció, ¡Que lo disfrutes!


e-Cronic 18.0 - Tips para diseñar sitios web en minutos

Les vengo a presentar un sitio que les puede ayudar a terminar rápidamente presentaciones y sitios web en flash, realmente después de tener la grandiosa experiencia en flash nunca pensé encontrar algo así.

No tienes que tener conocimientos avanzados de programación para crear un sitio web en flash que dé que hablar, ¡tan solo necesitas tener la herramienta adecuada! Pues Wix nos acerca una completísima herramienta para desarrollar páginas de flash con acabado profesional, con tanta facilidad como si usaras PowerPoint.

Wix posee una idea muy redituable es una web que da la posibilidad de crear sitios completamente realizados en flash, de manera gratis e intuitiva al máximo. Ya no es estrictamente necesario saber complicados lenguajes de programación para crear tu propio sitio web y que además de todo puede ser vistosa, liviana y productiva.

Free website - Wix.com

Wix es una herramienta para exprimir, ya que quien te regala tu propio dominio (http://www.wix.com/usuariowix/nombrepaginawix), todos los servicios ofrecidos por Wix son gratuitos, bueno hasta el momento. Realmente una herramienta gratuita que nos abre una gran ventana al universo Flash, sin saber demasiado, es algo que se debe de aprovechar. Pruébalo y no te va a defraudar. ¡Que lo disfrutes!
